
2 straight +13%
2 straight with 9 +19%
3 straight +28%
3 straight with 9 +42%
4 straight +45%
4 straight with 9 +67%
5 straight +64%
5 straight with 9 +96%
6 straight +86%
6 straight with 9 +129%
7 straight +111%
7 straight with 9 +166%
8 straight +139%
8 straight with 9 +208%
Final straight sunset(9から1の順に9枚) +255%
Final straight sunrise(1から9の順に9枚) +306%

ボイス1 +5%
ボイス2 +6%
ボイス3 +7%
ボイス4 +8%
ボイス5 +9%
ボイス6 +10%
2 cards +10%
2 cards with 9 +15%
2 cards 2 pairs +13%
2 cards 3 pairs +26%
2 cards 4 pairs +40%
3 cards +21%
3 cards with 9 +31%
3 cards 2 pairs +39%
3 cards 3 pairs +65%
4 cards +33%
4 cards with 9 +49%
4 cards 2 pairs +64%
5 cards +45%
5 cards with 9 +67%
6 cards +57%
6 cards with 9 +85%
7 cards +69%
7 cards with 9 +103%
8 cards +81%
8 cards with 9 +121%
9 cards +93%
9 cards with 9 +139%

バテン・カイトス攻略ウイング TOPに戻る